YES, You CAN Draw Comics! Comics Are Necessary! 

Learn to Draw Comics While Having Fun – The ToonZA CAT Way!

Since the beginning of March, when we formally joined Amava Oluntu and relocated ToonZA to Muizenberg, we have been very busy putting together our best programme so far, which includes all our favourite activities, and more. 

We have created two new groups, the Comic Art Training Group (CAT) for 12-16 year-olds, and the Graphic Novel Group (GNG!) for over-16s. Right now we are recruiting young artists who love comics to join ToonZA CAT.


Please come draw and chat with us at our new space on Saturday 19 March OR Saturday 26 March at 2pm–5pm for one of our TWO FREE CAT Introductory Sessions and find out for yourself what ToonZA ‘22 is all about.

It’s FUN and there are awesome sticker prizes to be won!

Please RSVP by clicking the Link, as space is limited.

A NOTE TO TOONZANIANS (who have been on a ToonZA course before): TOONZANIANS QUALIFY FOR A 20% DISCOUNT!

About CAT: CAT accepts young artists of 12 and over, who are just starting out on their journey into  the world of cartooning, comic art and graphic storytelling, while GNG! Is aimed at the 16+ age  group.

ToonZA CAT consists of 12 3-HOUR SESSIONS: EVERY SATURDAY 2:30pm—5:30pm  The Course will run from the beginning of April till the end of June. 

In this ToonZA CAT course you will learn about:  

  • Different kinds of comics and styles  
  • The stages of comic strip production  
  • Building a story idea  
  • Creating unique characters 
  • Developing your own visual language  
  • Drawing buildings, backgrounds, vehicles & creatures  
  • Composition, layouts, lettering, speech bubbles, sound FX & much more!

About the Programme: Although it’s structured as a course, each Session is a stand-alone, so if you  miss one session, it’s not a huge train smash. More like when someone scrapes the side of your car  while parallel parking next to you. It’s a problem that’s annoying but easily fixed. We will be  repeating the course during the year so you can always do the missed session later. And we’ll run  extra sessions to deal with school holiday clashes if need be. There is no Easter Weekend Session.

We are also providing Session Notes after each Session, where all the basic info is summarised. 

Proposed Programme per Session*

S1: 2 April: Create your Own Comic: Story Ideas and Visual Concepts

S2: 9 April: How to get started: Characters? Storyline? Scenario?

S3: 23 April: Characters: Dialogue! Facial Expressions! Action Poses! Anatomy!

S4: 30 April: Genres & Scenarios: Superheroes? Manga? Autobio? Humour? Drama? Suspense? 

S5: 7 May: Plotting your Storyline: Story Arcs! Setups & Payoffs! Cliffhangers! Punchlines!

S6: 14 May: Tools & Techniques: Scamping! Pencilling! Tracing! Inking! Lettering! Colouring!

S7: 21 May: Environments: Backgrounds! Perspectives! Buildings! Vehicles! Creatures! Plants!

S8: 28 May: Drama & Action: Timing! Silent frames! Speech Bubbles! Sound FX! Pow! Aargghh! Sob!

S9: 4 June: Composition: Panels & Gutters! Open Frames! Double-spreads! Points of View (POV)!

S10: 11 June: Pulling it All Together: Drafts! Revisions! Wombling  & Fossicking! Aha! Moments!

S11: 18 June: Production process: Draw, Think, Draw, Discuss, Erase, Start Again, Revelation! Eureka! 

S12: 25 June: Final Product: Celebration! Exhibition! Friends & Family! The Elation of Creation!

The Course is designed and presented by Andy Mason (N.D.Mazin) and Robyn-Jade Hosking 

*The curriculum is subject to ongoing modification according to the needs of the participants.

EQUIPMENT: A list of recommended basic drawing equipment is provided. Paper is supplied. 

CERTIFICATION: A Certificate of Participation is presented to those who complete the course.  


BASIC COURSE FEE: R150 per Session X 12 = R1,800.00 paid in advance 

TOONZANIAN* DISCOUNT: R1,500.00 paid in advance 

PAY-ON-THE-DAY FEE: R180 per session (depending on space availability) 

FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES? Financially disadvantaged participants may apply for sponsorship.

** VOLUNTARY SPONSORSHIP CONTRIBUTION: An additional voluntary contribution of R50 per  session will be welcomed to help financially disadvantaged young artists to take part in the course. 

** Full or part sponsorship depending on availability of willing sponsors. Not guaranteed. 


FOR MORE DETAILS and updates etc., follow us on Facebook and Instagram. The best place to find  out all you need to know is RIGHT HERE: